Solar trends in 2024 that every homeowner should know of

Solar trends in 2024 that every homeowner should know of

Contrary to what the government would have us believe, loadshedding is still volatile and unpredictable as we head into March and April. Yes, strides have been made and some improvement has been seen, but as loadshedding is here to stay and electricity prices increase, more and more homeowners are considering installing solar.

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Nothing beats the long-term savings potential of professionally installed quality home solar solutions. (Remember to contact Aris Energy Solutions!). Your bank balance will thank you in the long run, and the potential to save a lot of energy is infinite.

If you haven’t yet, now is a great time to start planning how you can save energy, save money, and ensure you have sustained access to a reliable source of electricity. The rise of diesel prices has made operating costs of generators skyrocket – another reason to consider solar.

Here are some solar trends in 2024 that homeowners should take note of:

The divide between solar instalments and grid energy costs is getting smaller

As technology has advanced and improved solar panels’ efficiency, the cost of solar panels and their components has decreased. This makes it more cost effective for homeowners to install solar solutions instead of relying on grid energy, which is getting more expensive year by year.

An improvement in battery technology and lifespan

The use of new and advanced materials in battery manufacturing has seen a significant improvement in its efficiency and lifespan. This leads to more efficient and greater energy storage, which in turn is a massive benefit to the consumer.

Smart monitoring technology is advancing at a rapid rate

The rapid, continuous rise of smart technology has seen a significant improvement in the efficiency of solar systems. This has coincided with the rapid rise in Artificial Intelligence – it is anticipated that AI-enabled smart monitoring systems is the future, which would optimise energy production and consumption in real-time.


If you are looking for peace of mind, solar is the way to go – it means a constant energy supply during loadshedding and less energy consumption during the rest of the day. By taking the above trends into consideration, homeowners should find it easier to make an educated decision on switching to solar.

Aris Energy Solutions is a leading provider of renewable energy solutions, dedicated to helping individuals and businesses harness the power of sustainable technology. Located in Pretoria, our mission is to lead the renewable energy market by staying at the forefront of industry advancements and embracing the latest technologies. Click on the button below to view our latest Residential Solar Offers